Immunogenetic Samples
Immunogenetic Samples in Machine

About Us

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校免疫遗传学中心(UIC)为实体器官和干细胞移植提供最先进的组织相容性和免疫遗传学检测, 移植前和移植后免疫评价及与人白细胞抗原(HLA)相关疾病诊断的检测. As one of the first established laboratories in Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, we continue to advance the field through research, clinical innovation, proficiency testing and educational training. UIC为临床试验和临床研究提供定制的测试和支持服务,以监测对实验性治疗的反应.

UIC是国家认可的组织相容性和免疫遗传学检测参考实验室,并获得加利福尼亚州许可, New York, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island, 并获得美国组织相容性和免疫遗传学协会(ASHI)的CMS认证和认可.

Goals and Mission

  • Leading Through Quality: Provide the highest standard of Immunogenetics, 组织相容性和移植免疫学检测及对患者的解释.
  • Leading Through Research: 通过创新的基础和临床研究,促进对免疫遗传学和移植免疫学的理解.
  • Leading Through Development: 走在新技术和参考材料开发的前沿,以提高患者护理质量.
  • Leading Through Training: 培养组织相容性和免疫遗传学的下一代领导者,以导航移植免疫学测试和研究的复杂性.


Current Events

  • Now Recruiting For UCLA Histocompatibility Director Training Program. 培训主任职位的申请将于每学年7月开始接受.
  • UIC welcomes Amy Ramirez, UIC Client Services Supervisor, and Krystal Kendall, UIC Laboratory Manager, to our team

Equity, Diversity, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校免疫遗传学中心(UIC)正在进行与纳入(EDI)相关的研究.

Dr. Elaine F. Reed

  • Proposal under review by CEAL leaders Keith Norris and Arlene Brown entitled “分享、信任、组织、合作:COVID-19皇冠hga025联盟(STOP COVID-19 CA)第三阶段”
    • Subtitle: LA-SPARTA Synergy Operation COVID-19 (LASSO COVID-19)
    • Purpose:推进“遏制COVID-19”和LA- sparta的共同目标和协同机会,重点关注受此次大流行影响严重的洛杉矶南部高风险和服务不足人群.  该倡议的一个转化目的是加强个人和公共卫生教育,以促进服务不足、暴露风险最高和疫苗犹豫最严重的人群取得更好的结果. 
  • 在MRSA菌血症的实验结果中,确定了男性与女性结果的差异.  我们提交的U19申请部分侧重于定义宿主性别背景,以驱动免疫保护免受MRSA的利用.
  • Other funded research in ischemia reperfusion injury, immune signatures of CMV and Covid-19 infection that also include age, race, sex as predictors of outcome.
  • Elaine F. Reed, in collaboration with the Women of FOCIS, has a manuscript with Frontiers Immunology under review.
    • Elaine F. Reed, Anita Chong, Megan K. Levings, Caley Mutrie, Terri Laufer, Maria Grazia Roncarolo, Megan Sykes. FOCIS妇女:促进临床免疫学学会专业联合会的平等和包容性. Frontiers in Immunology, under review.

Dr. Michelle Hickey

  • The 2022 Quality Improvement Day and Daljit S. and Elaine Sarkaria Keynote Lecture was held on February 11, 2022. 今年的主题是“病理学家如何为解决卫生不平等和促进卫生公平作出贡献”?” We welcomed Dr. James Crawford Professor and Chair, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 唐纳德和芭芭拉·扎克霍夫斯特拉/诺斯韦尔医学院以及皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的三位教员, Dr. Naveen Raja, Dr. Eric Cheng, and Dr. Susanne B Nicholas to present on topics of Value Based Care, Health Equity and Informatics. We also welcomed three trainees to discuss their quality improvement projects- Dr. Jitin Makker, Dr. Ali Samiei and Dr. Khalda Ibrahim.

Dr. Nicole Valenzuela

  • 作为移植致敏的一部分:风险评估(STAR)组织相容性测试共识工作组, 我们强调在可用的商业面板上,非白人HLA等位基因的代表性存在差距. 因此,我们提出以下建议:1)扩大等位基因分析,以更多地代表不同的供体人群;2)确保临床诊断中解释非白人受体检测的严谨性和准确性, investigative trials and research.

UIC + Anatomic Pathology

  • Hickey is working with anatomic pathologist Dr. Jonathan Zuckerman, informatics fellow Dr. Jitin Makker, and transplant nephrologist Dr. Eric Lum, to develop a data utility and visual analytics tool for transplant patient data. 该实用程序将包括临床诊断和卫生公平/差距数据,以便为质量改进和质量保证提供信息.
  • Rebecca Sosa, Bita Naini和Elaine Reed合作进行了一项研究,揭示了西班牙裔非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(NASH)患者接受肝移植时所经历的众所周知的差异的潜在免疫机制. 他们调查了患者免疫状态的变化,并将其与作为标准护理一部分的临床检测进行了比较. 患有NASH的西班牙裔肝移植受者中女性比例不成比例,并且在移植后第一年的预后不佳, including rejection and death. Clinically, they saw increased AST/INR early post-transplant, 再灌注后活检中与NASH和IRI相关的组织病理学特征增加, 对供体同种异体表达的不匹配HLA抗原的预致敏发生率更高. Experimental investigation revealed an increase in leukocyte-attracting chemokines, innate-to-adaptive switching cytokines and growth factors, HMGB1 release and TLR4 activation. 该研究提供了重要的证据,表明迫切需要一种更个性化的方法来减少需要肝移植的西班牙裔NASH患者的这种免疫内分型的危险因素, particularly females.

Recent Publications

  • Butler CL, Hickey MJ, Jiang N, Zheng Y, Gjertson D, Zhang Q, Rao P, Fishbein GA, Cadeiras M, Deng MC, Banchs HL, Torre G, DeNofrio D, Eisen HJ, Kobashigawa J, Starling RC, Kfoury A, Van Bakel A, Ewald G, Balazs I, Baas AS, Cruz D, Ardehali R, Biniwale R, Kwon M, Ardehali A, Nsair A, Ray B, Reed EF. 与心脏异体移植排斥反应相关的非hla抗体的发现和非hla抗原复合面板的开发和验证:从实验到临床. Am J Transplant, 2020
  • Sosa RA, Rossetti M, Naini BV, Groysberg VM, Kaldas FM, Busuttil RW, Chang YL, Gjertson DW, Kupiec-Weglinski JW, Reed EF. 模式识别受体-反应性筛选肝移植患者:潜在的个性化和精确的器官匹配,以减少缺血再灌注损伤的风险. Ann Surg. 2020
  • Geer LI, Kagele S, Townshend S, Watson B, Reed EF, Hickey MJ. 设计一种先进的报告系统和流程改进,用于报告移植患者电子病历中高复杂性的单抗原头数据. BMJ Open Qual. 2020
  • Greenshields AL, Jollet I, Liwski RS, Taupin JL, Valenzuela NM. Abolishing serum interference in detection of HLA antibodies: Who, How, When and Why? Hum Immunol. 2019
  • Yin Y, Reed EF, Zhang Q. Integrate CRISPR/Cas9 for protein expression of HLA-B*38:68Q via precise gene editing. Sci Rep. 2019