

癌症分子成像, 纳米技术, and Theranostics (CMINT) research program advances translational imaging, 纳米颗粒的设计和输送, and theranostics to improve cancer patient outcomes and moves discoveries from preclinical and clinical applications. 该研究项目是高度互动和跨学科的, and brings together 45 faculty members from four UCLA schools and partner institution Caltech, 代表16个基础和临床科室. Its members have diverse and complementary expertise in an extensive range of disciplines including biology, 核医学, 物理, 纳米技术, 泌尿外科, 放射学, 放射肿瘤学, 药物开发, 工程, 图像重建, 化学, 放射化学和动物疾病模型.



  • Development of instrumentation, analytical tools, and novel molecular imaging approaches
  • 成像免疫反应和免疫治疗反应
  • 基于纳米技术的成像和治疗传递系统
  • 将诊断和治疗方法转化为临床


  • Participation in the UCLA Health 约翰逊综合癌症中心 seminar series that features invited outside and local faculty
  • 每周研究项目会议
  • Quarterly presentations featuring SOMI (Scholars in Oncologic Molecular Imaging) postdoctoral fellows and faculty discussions
  • Seminar series with external speakers (in collaboration with Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging and California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA)
  • 季度研究计划科学交流晚宴
  • 半年一次的关于纳米技术在癌症中的应用的跨皇冠hga025专题讨论会


导演 Dr. 约翰内斯 Czernin is Professor and Vice Chair of the UCLA Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology. Czernin serves as Chief of the Ahmanson Translational Imaging Division (ATID), 包括皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校核医学临床服务, 生物医学回旋加速器操作, 临床前成像中心, a cancer biology and 药物开发 group (Radu) as well as a radio化学 group. 他在分子成像方面拥有超过25年的经验, and held national and international leadership positions including president of the Academy of Molecular Imaging). 他是《皇冠hga020电脑版》的主编 核医学杂志. 他是索菲生物科学公司的联合创始人. 和Trethera Therapeutics, UCLA spin-offs that translate technology and targeted drugs to the market. Czernin has established a translational research program that links laboratory studies of cellular uptake of radioactive metabolites or ligands, preclinical evaluation of specific molecular imaging probes in small animals, and clinical evaluation of new radiotracers for molecular imaging of cancer patients. He also recently established a successful translational theranostics program. His strength is in translating preclinical research into clinical applications, and he has designed and conducted numerous past and ongoing clinical trials.

副主任 Dr. 奇拉 is Professor and Vice-Chair of the UCLA Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology. He serves as associate director of ATID and heads their cancer biology and 药物开发 groups. His work elucidates therapy resistance mechanisms in cancer and identifies cancer liabilities that can be exploited using pharmacologic and genetic approaches. Radu embeds diagnostics and therapeutics in tumor biology resulting in identification and pharmacologic targeting of cancer liabilities. He closely collaborates with Czernin to define unmet clinical needs that are addressed from the cellular to the small animal and finally to the clinical level. He has established a successful 药物开发 program and uses imaging probes as predictive biomarkers for treatment response. Radu也是Sofie Biosciences Inc .的联合创始人. 和Trethera Therapeutics.

副主任 Dr. 杰弗里·辛克 is a Distinguished Professor in the UCLA Department of Chemistry and Bio化学. He is a pioneer of multifunctional mechanized nanoparticle synthesis and biomedical applications, 和他的合作者, create particles that are biocompatible and deliver hydrophobic drugs and siRNA into cells and tumors 在活的有机体内. His studies brought worldwide attention to the therapeutic properties of mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNPs) as drug delivery systems. Additional collaborations have proudced a creative method to modify the vasculature for improved drug delivery in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, the 工程 of siRNA-loaded nanoparticles to inhibit TWIST protein and block the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in breast and ovarian cancers, and the development of novel nanoparticle-based magnetic resonance image guided therapy.


Below is a list of upcoming events of interest to the 癌症分子成像, 纳米技术和治疗学研究计划及其成员. 此日历自动更新.

所有即将到来的癌症中心活动的列表,请访问我们的 事件日历.