

The 癌症和干细胞生物学 Research Program (CSCB) links basic and translational investigators interested in the unique biological processes shared by malignancy and stem cells. It is expected that a detailed understanding of the mechanisms of how normal and aberrant cells self-renew and differentiate will offer novel biological insights into the initiation, 癌症的进展和复发, and enable researchers to explore novel therapeutic targets and biomarkers.

CSCB members span four schools and affiliated institution Cal Tech, and 15 UCLA departments. Although each CSCB investigator has a dominant interest in either hematopoietic or epithelial stem cells, the shared biology of stem cells and cancer in all tissue types has led to an immensely fertile and interactive environment within the CSCB research program across platforms. These interactions have been further enhanced by the close collaboration between the UCLA Health 约翰逊综合癌症中心 and the UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center. Nearly every CSCB investigator works on at least two of the program's specific aims, 使用动物模型系统的组合, 人类多能干细胞, and primary human tissues to uncover basic biologic processes and reveal new opportunities for cancer treatment.


The primary goal of the CSCB research program is to link basic and translational investigators interested in the unique biological processes shared by malignancy and stem cells. 该研究计划的其他具体目标是:

  1. Understand the regulation of the biology of epithelial-specific stem cells during malignant transformation and 正常的发展
  2. Define the mechanisms that regulate growth and differentiation of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells during malignant transformation, 正常的发展, 移植后
  3. Determine the role of microenvironment in tumor formation and stem cell regulation


  • Participation in the UCLA Health 约翰逊综合癌症中心 seminar series that features invited outside and local faculty
  • 细胞与发育生物学每周系列研讨会的赞助者
  • 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校年度干细胞研讨会的共同赞助者
  • Sponsor for outside invited speakers that focus on research related to cancer and stem cell biology
  • Monthly seminars for Pre-doctoral and Postdoctoral students supported on T32 grants associated with the program (Tumor Cell Biology, 血管生物学, CIRM培训补助金)


Director Dr. Gay Crooks is the Rebecca Smith Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Pediatrics at UCLA. In 2015, 她成为了CSCB研究项目的主任, 在担任联合导演三年之后. In addition to her role as co-director of the UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center, Crooks is a physician-scientist who moved to UCLA in 2009 through a joint recruitment by the UCLA Health 约翰逊综合癌症中心 and the UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center. Her research interests span the hematopoietic themes of the CSCB research program and include human hematopoiesis from adult human hematopoietic stem cells and pluripotent stem cells, T淋巴细胞从干细胞分化, 以及造血的微环境控制. Crooks was a scholar of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and received a Stohlman Scholar Award for her work in human lymphoid commitment.

副主任 Dr. 林Gomperts is Full Professor of Pediatrics and Pulmonary Medicine and Vice Chair for Research in the Division of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology. 2015年,她加入克鲁克斯,担任CSCB联席董事. Gomperts is a physician-scientist who was recruited to UCLA in 2003 by the David Geffen 医学院 in collaboration with the UCLA Health 约翰逊综合癌症中心. Her research is in the area of airway epithelial homeostasis and lung carcinogenesis as well as the role of the microenvironment in regulating airway repair after injury. Her work spans the epithelial themes of the CSCB research program, complementing Crook's expertise. Gomperts was a Pediatric Physician Scientist Development Program awardee (1999–2003), and is also member of the UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center Working Group.


Below is a list of upcoming events of interest to the 癌症和干细胞生物学 Research Program and its members. 此日历自动更新.

所有即将到来的癌症中心活动的列表,请访问我们的 事件日历.